Pynsee python package contains tools to easily search and download French data from INSEE and IGN APIs
gives a quick access to more than 150 000 macroeconomic series,
a dozen datasets of local data, numerous sources available on
as well as key metadata and SIRENE database containing data on all French companies.
Have a look at the detailed API page
This package is a contribution to reproducible research and public data transparency. It benefits from the developments made by teams working on APIs at INSEE and IGN.
Installation & API subscription
Credentials are necessary to access SIRENE API available through pynsee
by the sirene
module. API credentials can be created here: All other modules are freely accessible.
# Download Pypi package
pip install pynsee[full]
# Get the development version from GitHub
# git clone
# cd pynsee
# pip install .[full]
# Subscribe to and get your credentials!
# Save your credentials with init_conn function :
from pynsee.utils.init_conn import init_conn
# Beware : any change to the keys should be tested after having cleared the cache
# Please do : from pynsee.utils import clear_all_cache; clear_all_cache()
Data Search and Collection Advice
- Macroeconomic data :
First, use
to search what are your datasets of interest and then get the series list withget_series_list()
. Alternatively, you can make a keyword-based search withsearch_macrodata()
, e.g.search_macrodata('GDP')
. Then, get the data withget_dataset()
Local data : use first
, then get data withget_local_data()
Metadata : e.g. function to get the classification of economic activities (Naf/Nace Rev2)
Sirene (French companies database) : use first
, then usesearch_sirene()
with dimensions as filtering variablesGeodata : get the list of available geographical data with
and then retrieve it withget_geodata()
Files on get the list of available files on with
and then download it withdownload_file()
There is also the list of all modules and functions in Modules and functions, and more information about Configuration and utilities.
For further advice, have a look at the documentation and gallery of the examples.
Example - Population Map

import math
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pynsee.geodata import get_geodata_list, get_geodata
# get geographical data list
geodata_list = get_geodata_list()
# get departments geographical limits
mapcom = get_geodata("ADMINEXPRESS-COG-CARTO.LATEST:commune").to_crs(epsg=3035)
# area calculations depend on crs which fits metropolitan france but not overseas departements
# figures should not be considered as official statistics
mapcom.attrs["area"] = mapcom.area / 10**6
mapcom = mapcom.to_crs(epsg=3857)
mapcom['REF_AREA'] = 'D' + mapcom['insee_dep']
mapcom['density'] = mapcom['population'] / mapcom.attrs["area"]
mapcom = mapcom.translate(departement=['971', '972', '974', '973', '976'],
factor=[1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.35, 1.5])
mapcom = mapcom.zoom(
departement=["75","92", "93", "91", "77", "78", "95", "94"],
factor=1.5, startAngle = math.pi * (1 - 3 * 1/9))
density_ranges = [
40, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250, 400, 600, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000
rvals = np.full(len(mapcom), "< 40", dtype=object)
list_ranges = ["< 40"]
for rmin, rmax in zip(density_ranges, density_ranges[1:]):
range_string = f"[{rmin}, {rmax}["
rvals[(mapcom.density >= rmin) & (mapcom.density < rmax)] = range_string
rvals[mapcom.density.values > density_ranges[-1]] = "> 20 000"
list_ranges.append("> 20 000")
mapcom.loc[:, "range"] = pd.Categorical(rvals, ordered=True, categories=list_ranges)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 15))
lgd = {'bbox_to_anchor': (1.1, 0.8), 'title': 'density per km2'}
mapcom.plot(column="range", cmap=cm.viridis, legend=True, ax=ax, legend_kwds=lgd)
ax.set(title='Distribution of population in France')
format='svg', dpi=1200,
bbox_inches = 'tight',
pad_inches = 0)
How to avoid proxy issues ?
# Use the proxy_server argument of the init_conn function to change the proxy server address
from pynsee.utils.init_conn import init_conn
# Beware : any change to the keys should be tested after having cleared the cache
# Please do : from pynsee.utils import *; clear_all_cache()
# Alternativety you can use directly environment variables as follows.
# Beware not to commit your credentials!
import os
os.environ['sirene_key'] = 'my_sirene_key'
os.environ['http_proxy'] = "http://my_proxy_server:port"
os.environ['https_proxy'] = "http://my_proxy_server:port"
Feel free to open an issue with any question about this package using <> Github repository.
All contributions, whatever their forms, are welcome. See