Inflation and contributions

from pynsee.macrodata.get_series_list import get_series_list
from pynsee.macrodata.get_series import get_series

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import re
import logging
import sys

Formula to compute contributions of each sub-item to the inflation index:

\(CTR_{m, k}^{a} = \frac{1}{I_{m, a-1}} [w_a^{k} \frac{I_{dec, a-1}}{I_{dec, a-1}^{k}} (I_{m, a-1}^{k} - I_{dec, a-1}^{k}) + w_{a-1}^{k} \frac{I_{dec, a-2}}{I_{dec, a-2}^{k}} (I_{dec, a-1}^{k} - I_{m, a-1}^{k})]\)

  • \(k\) is the index of the sub-item, if it is not used the variable value corresponds to the agregated index

  • \(I\) is the index in nominal values

  • \(CTR_{m, a}^{k}\) contribution of sub-item k to the inflation index on year a and month m

  • \(w_a^{k}\) is the weight of the sub-item k in the agregated index for year a

  • \(m=dec\), december value is used

# from pynsee import init_conn
# init_conn(insee_key='key', insee_secret='secret')
# download a list of inflation dataset series identifiers
series = get_series_list('IPC-2015')
Existing environment variables used, instead of locally saved credentials
Getting datasets list: 100%|██████████| 201/201 [00:00<00:00, 1630.80it/s]
IPC-2015 : metadata update triggered because it is not found locally

Data saved: /home/onyxia/.cache/pynsee/pynsee/1877832c17b585d477598932d4295b9c
# total inflation series identifier
IdInflation = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "M") &
            (series.COICOP2016 == "00") &
            (series.NATURE == "INDICE") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &
            (series.PRIX_CONSO == "SO")]

# price indexes including in inflation total index
IdIndices = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "M") &
            (series.COICOP2016 == "SO") &
            (series.NATURE == "INDICE") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &
            (series.PRIX_CONSO.isin(["4000", "4034", "4003", "4009", "4007"]))]

# weights of price indexes including in inflation total index
IdPond = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "A") &
            (series.COICOP2016 == "SO") &
            (series.NATURE == "POND") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &
            (series.PRIX_CONSO.isin(["4000", "4034", "4003", "4009", "4007"]))]

# collect data
inflation = get_series(IdInflation.IDBANK)
indices = get_series(IdIndices.IDBANK)
pond = get_series(IdPond.IDBANK)
1/1 - Getting series: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  3.70it/s]
1/1 - Getting series: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:01<00:00,  3.18it/s]
1/1 - Getting series: 100%|██████████| 5/5 [00:00<00:00, 43.81it/s]
# compute ponderation and annual growth rate
pond['pond'] = pond.OBS_VALUE / pond.groupby(['DATE']).OBS_VALUE.transform('sum')
indices['growth'] = (indices.OBS_VALUE/ indices.groupby(['IDBANK']).OBS_VALUE.shift(12) - 1) * 100
inflation['growth'] = (inflation.OBS_VALUE/ inflation.groupby(['IDBANK']).OBS_VALUE.shift(12) - 1) * 100
inflation['month'] = inflation['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.month)
indices['month'] = indices['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.month)

inflation['year'] = inflation['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
indices['year'] = indices['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
pond['year'] = pond['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.year)

inflation = inflation.rename(columns = {"OBS_VALUE" : "inflation"})
indices = indices.rename(columns = {"OBS_VALUE" : "indices"})

inflationDec = inflation[inflation['month'] == 12]
indicesDec = indices[indices['month'] == 12]

indicesDec = indicesDec.rename(columns = {"indices" : "indicesDec"})
indicesDec = indicesDec[["year", "COICOP2016", "indicesDec", "PRIX_CONSO"]]

inflationDec = inflationDec.rename(columns = {"inflation" : "inflationDec"})
inflationDec = inflationDec[["year", "COICOP2016", "inflationDec", "PRIX_CONSO"]]

pond = pond[["year", "COICOP2016", "pond", "PRIX_CONSO"]]
# merge all datasets
data = indices.merge(indicesDec, on = ["year", "COICOP2016", "PRIX_CONSO"], how = 'left')
data = data.merge(pond, on = ["year", "COICOP2016", "PRIX_CONSO"], how = 'left')
data = data.merge(inflation[['DATE', 'inflation']], on = ["DATE"], how = 'left')
data = data.merge(inflationDec[['year', 'inflationDec']], on = ["year"], how = 'left')
# compute contributions by coicop
df = data.groupby(['month', 'COICOP2016', 'PRIX_CONSO'], as_index=False)

data['contrib1'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['inflationDec'].shift(1) * x['pond'] *
                      (x['indices'] / x['indicesDec'].shift(1) - 1)).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

data['contrib2'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['pond'].shift(1) * x['inflationDec'].shift(2) / x['indicesDec'].shift(2) *
                      (x['indicesDec'].shift(1) - x['indices'].shift(1))).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

data['contrib'] =  df.apply(lambda x: 100 * (x['contrib1'] + x['contrib2']) /
                            x['inflation'].shift(1)).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

# reshape dataframe for plotting purposes
data2 = data[data['year'] >= 2008].sort_values(by="DATE").reset_index()
data2 = data2[['DATE', 'PRIX_CONSO_label_en', 'contrib']]
data2 = data2.pivot(index="DATE", columns="PRIX_CONSO_label_en", values="contrib")
# check that the sum of contribution is equal to annual growth rate of inflation
dfChecks = data.groupby(['DATE'], as_index=False)['contrib'].agg('sum')
dfChecks = dfChecks.merge(inflation[['DATE', 'growth']], on='DATE', how='left')
dfChecks = dfChecks[dfChecks['DATE'] >= "2008-01-01"].reset_index()
# make color palette
#colors = sns.color_palette("Set1") + sns.color_palette("Set2")

colors = [sns.color_palette("Set1")[1]] + \
        [c for i, c in enumerate(sns.color_palette("Set1")) if i not in [1, 2, 5]]

# draw plot

ax = data2.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, align='edge', width=0.8,
                color=colors, figsize=(15,10))
#dfChecks.plot(ax=ax, y = "contrib", marker="x", color="b", markersize=1)
dfChecks.plot(ax=ax, y = "growth", marker="o", color="black", markersize=1)

#add title
plt.title("Inflation and contributions")

# customize x-axis tickers
time_period = [str(x)[:7] for x in data2.index]
ticklabels = ['']*len(data2.index)
ticklabels[::6] = [item for item in time_period[::6]]
#remove legend
#remove x-axistitle
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.2), loc='center', ncol=len(data2.columns)+1)
# Inflation, contributions with an energy focus
# total inflation series identifier
IdInflation = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "M") &
            (series.COICOP2016 == "00") &
            (series.NATURE == "INDICE") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &
            (series.PRIX_CONSO == "SO")]

# price indexes including in inflation total index
IdIndices = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "M") &
            (series.COICOP2016 == "SO") &
            (series.NATURE == "INDICE") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &
            (series.PRIX_CONSO.isin(["4000", "4034", "4003", "4009"]))]

IdIndicesEnergy = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "M") &
            (series.COICOP2016.isin(["0452", "0451", "0453", "0454", "07221", "07222", "07223"])) &
            (series.NATURE == "INDICE") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &

IdIndices = pd.concat([IdIndices, IdIndicesEnergy])

# weights of price indexes including in inflation total index
IdPond = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "A") &
            (series.COICOP2016 == "SO") &
            (series.NATURE == "POND") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &
            (series.PRIX_CONSO.isin(["4000", "4034", "4003", "4009"]))]

IdPondEnergy = series.loc[(series.FREQ == "A") &
            (series.COICOP2016.isin(["0452", "0451", "0453", "0454", "07221", "07222", "07223"])) &
            (series.NATURE == "POND") &
            (series.REF_AREA == "FE") &
            (series.MENAGES_IPC == "ENSEMBLE") &

IdPond = pd.concat([IdPond, IdPondEnergy])

# collect data
inflation = get_series(IdInflation.IDBANK)
indices = get_series(IdIndices.IDBANK)
pond = get_series(IdPond.IDBANK)

# compute ponderation and annual growth rate
pond['pond'] = pond.OBS_VALUE / pond.groupby(['DATE']).OBS_VALUE.transform('sum')
indices['growth'] = (indices.OBS_VALUE/ indices.groupby(['IDBANK']).OBS_VALUE.shift(12) - 1) * 100
inflation['growth'] = (inflation.OBS_VALUE/ inflation.groupby(['IDBANK']).OBS_VALUE.shift(12) - 1) * 100

inflation['month'] = inflation['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.month)
indices['month'] = indices['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.month)

inflation['year'] = inflation['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
indices['year'] = indices['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
pond['year'] = pond['DATE'].apply(lambda x: x.year)

inflation = inflation.rename(columns = {"OBS_VALUE" : "inflation"})
indices = indices.rename(columns = {"OBS_VALUE" : "indices"})

inflationDec = inflation[inflation['month'] == 12]
indicesDec = indices[indices['month'] == 12]

indicesDec = indicesDec.rename(columns = {"indices" : "indicesDec"})
indicesDec = indicesDec[["year", "COICOP2016", "indicesDec", "PRIX_CONSO"]]

inflationDec = inflationDec.rename(columns = {"inflation" : "inflationDec"})
inflationDec = inflationDec[["year", "COICOP2016", "inflationDec", "PRIX_CONSO"]]

pond = pond[["year", "COICOP2016", "pond", "PRIX_CONSO"]]

# merge all datasets
data = indices.merge(indicesDec, on = ["year", "COICOP2016", "PRIX_CONSO"], how = 'left')
data = data.merge(pond, on = ["year", "COICOP2016", "PRIX_CONSO"], how = 'left')
data = data.merge(inflation[['DATE', 'inflation']], on = ["DATE"], how = 'left')
data = data.merge(inflationDec[['year', 'inflationDec']], on = ["year"], how = 'left')

# compute contributions by coicop
df = data.groupby(['month', 'COICOP2016', 'PRIX_CONSO'], as_index=False)

data['contrib1'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['inflationDec'].shift(1) * x['pond'] *
                      (x['indices'] / x['indicesDec'].shift(1) - 1)).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

data['contrib2'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['pond'].shift(1) * x['inflationDec'].shift(2) / x['indicesDec'].shift(2) *
                      (x['indicesDec'].shift(1) - x['indices'].shift(1))).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

data['contrib'] =  df.apply(lambda x: 100 * (x['contrib1'] + x['contrib2']) /
                            x['inflation'].shift(1)).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

1/1 - Getting series: 100%|██████████| 11/11 [00:03<00:00,  3.44it/s]
1/1 - Getting series: 100%|██████████| 11/11 [00:00<00:00, 49.74it/s]
def clean_string(x):
    return re.sub("\d|\.|\s|-", "", x)

data['COICOP2016_label_en'] = data['COICOP2016_label_en'].apply(lambda x: clean_string(x))

data['COICOP2016_label_en'] = np.where((data['COICOP2016'].isin(["0453", "0454", "07223"])),

data['PRIX_CONSO_label_en'] = np.where((data['PRIX_CONSO'] == "SO"),
                                       "Energy - " + data['COICOP2016_label_en'],

data2 = data.groupby(['DATE', "year",'PRIX_CONSO_label_en'], as_index=False).contrib.agg('sum')

# reshape dataframe for plotting purposes
data2 = data2[data2['year'] >= 2008].sort_values(by="DATE").reset_index()
data2 = data2[['DATE', 'PRIX_CONSO_label_en', 'contrib']]
data2 = data2.pivot(index="DATE", columns="PRIX_CONSO_label_en", values="contrib")
data2 = data2.dropna()

# check that the sum of contribution is equal to annual growth rate of inflation
dfChecks = data.groupby(['DATE'], as_index=False)['contrib'].agg('sum')
dfChecks = dfChecks.merge(inflation[['DATE', 'growth']], on='DATE', how='left')
dfChecks = dfChecks[dfChecks['DATE'] >= "2008-01-01"].reset_index()
# make color palette
colors = [c for i, c in enumerate(sns.color_palette("Blues")) if i in range(5)][::-1] + \
        [c for i, c in enumerate(sns.color_palette("Set1")) if i not in [1, 2, 5]]

# draw plot

ax = data2.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, align='edge', width=0.8,
                color=colors, figsize=(15,10))
#dfChecks.plot(ax=ax, y = "contrib", marker="x", color="b", markersize=1)
dfChecks.plot(ax=ax, y = "growth", marker="o", color="black", markersize=1)

#add title
plt.title("Inflation, contributions with an energy focus")

# customize x-axis tickers
time_period = [str(x)[:7] for x in data2.index]
ticklabels = ['']*len(data2.index)
ticklabels[::6] = [item for item in time_period[::6]]
#remove legend
#remove x-axistitle
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.2), loc='center', ncol=3)